Thursday, June 27, 2024

Love in the Mirror

 When you see the Mirror you see yourself you get thoughts about yourself. You make sure your thoughts that surface speaks about your confidence and pleasantness within you.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Like to Live OR Live to Like

 Whether you want to live the life you want or adjust the life you have the choice is yours. This beautiful said here

Take a Stand for Yourself

 If you don't take decisions for yourself someone will take decisions for you, this is the hard truth. So observe your life and protect yourself / your interests by taking a stand and preventing others from taking decisions for you.

Who shook the Jar

 In life you experience situations were in you confront others, but the truth is that the opponent may not be your real opponent. Meaning you need to understand if you attacking the right enemy/element to end the problem / situation once for all, else your Problem / Situation will keep dragging you. So be thoughtful while handling a Problem / Situation

Monday, June 24, 2024

Right Moments needed for Right Things

When need a product the most and when you the spend money on it u will use it but When buy a Product when don't need the most you touch it rarely or it gather's dust in your home. Likewise understand your situation to do the right transactions in your life.

Being Silent is not a disadvantage

We use our Mouth maximum, people god gave 2 ears, 2 eyes but 1 mouth hence we need to observe and listen more but speak less. But then you can actually gain advantage by not talking too meaning u can be powerful by being silent. 

Saving Metals in a Circular World

Metals and minerals are the building blocks of a net zero future. There is no circular economy without these materials. But for their contribution to be considered truly circular we need to focus both on how they are produced and how they are used.


Love in the Mirror

 When you see the Mirror you see yourself you get thoughts about yourself. You make sure your thoughts that surface speaks about your confid...